A great way to recycle. I took a lot of old cloths and items to the re-use cente…

A great way to recycle. I took a lot of old cloths and items to the re-use center recently. Unwanted but usable items accepted at the center are: Appliances, Tables, Electronics, Books, Shelving, Screens, Toys, Clothing, Windows, Tools, Fitness Equipment and Knick Knacks. Items available to any Scott County residents at no cost but are not to be resold. Items can be brought or picked up at the center Tuesday/Thursday 9am-3pm and Saturday 8am-12pm. The re-use center is located at the Scott County Landfill at 4689 South Double or Nothing Road.

A great way to recycle. I took a lot of old cloths and items to the re-use cente…

#great #recycle #lot #cloths #items #reuse #cente
