Congratulations to former Surgeon General Jerome Adams on releasing an amazing r…

Congratulations to former Surgeon General Jerome Adams on releasing an amazing report on how community health impacts economic prosperity in the United States.

I was fortunate enough to get to know him during the 2015 healthcare crisis in Indiana. We were able to partner with our community to find actionable community based solutions that empowered people resulting in our ultimate success.

When community inequities are addressed—increasing access to health and opportunity—everyone benefits.

Personal responsibility matters as we know that lifestyle choices drive our nation’s increased burden of disease, disability, and death.

There is also the reality that we do not choice where we are born and into what circumstances we are raised. Many of the choice that determines how much access to life we have are made for us before we ever make our first lifestyle choice.

So, we mush balance our expectations of others being responsible with our social responsibility to each other to ensure that every person, regardless of race, gender, or class has equal access and unhindered access to health and opportunity.

As this report shows, when we are able to accomplish this, everyone in the community benefits from the resulting economic prosperity for all.

Congratulations to former Surgeon General Jerome Adams on releasing an amazing r…

#Congratulations #Surgeon #General #Jerome #Adams #releasing #amazing