⚠️ Have you seen me? ⚠️ The following male subject has been reported missing. If you know his whereabouts or have any information into this, please contact Scottsburg Police 24-Hour Dispatch line at 812-752-4462. If you would like to remain anonymous please indicate that to Dispatch upon calling. JASON VEST
DOB: 05/21/1997/ 5’2″/ 125 POUNDS/ BROWN HAIR/ BLUE EYES/
POSSIBLY WEARING A GREY SWEATSHIRT/ WEARS EYEGLASSES Jason was last seen around 3:00 am on 12/23/2020 when he left Scott Memorial Hospital on foot. Jason is mentally handicapped and his family does not know his location or who he is with. #SPD #MissingPerson #SeeSomethingSaySomething

Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses, closeup and indoor
Image may contain: 2 people, indoor

Have you seen me? The following male subject has been reported missing. If yo…

#male #subject #reported #missing
