Lexington's Old Settlers Days will be a little different this year as a res…

Scott County Chamber of Commerce

Lexington's Old Settlers Days will be a little different this year as a result of COVID-19 but…

This FRIDAY, September 11th – Fish Fry starting at 4:30 PM.
Drive thru/Carry-out service at the New Firehouse.
Menu includes: Fish, hot-dogs, hamburgers, pork tenderloin, french fries and bottled water only.

There will also be a food line for walk ups, so you can grab your food and head on down to the park.

Fireworks Too!
They will begin directly after dark at the Town Park. Please bring lawn chairs/blankets and enjoy the show. Remember to practice social distancing.

SATURDAY, September 12th there will be the traditional Old Settlers Parade starting at 11:30 AM.

For anyone wanting to be a part of the parade, line up begins at Leroy's 11 AM. The Fire Department will be serving food that day from 10:30-2.

Remember, this is a big fundraiser for the Lexington Volunteer Fire Department!

Lexington's Old Settlers Days will be a little different this year as a res…

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