Scott County School District 1
As you know, Covid-19 cases have continued to increase throughout the county. Staffing is a concern within our district. It is with this in mind, Scott County School District 1 has made the decision to transition to virtual instruction effective Tuesday, December 1st through December 11. We hope to return to school December 14th for in-person instruction.
We will provide lunch & breakfast each day from 11:30 – 12:30 at the following locations: AHS Parking Lot, Jayce Ray Stallings Center, Austin Fire Department, Spicertown (each end of York Rd.).
Student curriculum information will be provided through google classroom. Any student needing assistance or any additional information please call your school's main office.

Scott County School District 1
As you know, Covid-19 cases have continued to in…
#Scott #County #School #District #Covid19 #cases #continued