YMCA 2020 Annual Fundraising Campaign Kicks Off

Scottsburg, IN — The Scott County Family YMCA has kicked off its Annual Campaign, with a goal of $75,000 this year – an increase over last years goal. To date, over $33,000 has been raised.

“The annual campaign helps to sustain the YMCA so we can continue to provide a wide offering of programs for youth, families and seniors, as well as provide some of the financial assistance dollars for people of all ages and all income levels to join the YMCA and participate in our programs. “Y memberships and programs are available on a sliding scale so all Scott County residents can participate” said YMCA board of directors chairman Greg Prince. “We increased our campaign goal because there is a greater need due to challenges caused by outside issues, especially the Covid 19 pandemic resulting in a 2-month closing and increases in operating expenses.”
Member Joe Smith was one of several people who said the YMCA has changed his life for the better. He commented that exercising and staying healthy are important to his quality of life. “ I like the Y because I can visit with old friends and make new friends. The Y is just not a building, it’s based on a mutual need by everyone who comes to the Y. The Y is all about the relationships I’ve established. The Y is the place where I can get out of the house in a safe place, where you are taken care of and can bless people. It’s important for both my mental and physical health.”
CEO Jon Hill, who has worked for various YMCAs for 30 years, stated “A successful campaign will help keep the YMCA running smoothly and keep its sliding-fee scale low income families intact for the next year. Hill, who became CEO in February of 2020 has seen the local Y grow from a store front operation using community facilities to the present building. “I have seen kids grow up in the Y and I see adults working out today who were in Y programs as kids. Four generations of families have been served by the Y and this will continue for future generations. Currently, 51 percent of YMCA members and up to 65 percent of children in its programs receive assistance with their fees, he said.”
Rhonda Stephens is the Campaign Chairman and has been a board member for two years. “The YMCA is more than a gym,” she said. It’s a community. It brings people together, and lifelong friendships are made.” “No one understands more than we do that it’s uncomfortable and sometimes hard to ask people for money, but to ask them to help send a child to camp, or to help support after-school programs so that children don’t spend the afternoon unattended, well that’s an easy ask.” Stephens said one of her greatest concerns for the community is the health problems of the county. “Currently 40 percent of children are overweight. Just as disturbing is that Scott County rates 90th in over all health out of 92 Indiana counties. Also, diabetes in adults is a huge concern.”
Stephens commented further that, “Y Volunteers have begun giving their time and money to help raise the $75000. All of our Volunteers make a personal donation themselves.”
“Our goal is to contact over 700 YMCA friends, participants, and businesses, said Stephens. The theme of this year’s campaign is “The Y: Building Brighter Futures” “This campaign makes it possible for our YMCA to ensure that everyone who wants to improve their mind, body, and spirit, regardless of their income level, can become a Y member.”
Campaign volunteers include Greg Prince, Lyndi Hughbanks, Kathy Dodds, Rhonda Stephens, Richie Buchanan, Gary Hubbard, Drew Hyden, Terri Buchanan, David Starnes, John English, Donald Conner, Shane Bowling, Joie Bukowski, and Lois Bukowski. Additional volunteers are welcome.
For more information, to volunteer or to make a contribution, call Jon Hill at 812-752-9622.